Min number of properties
Max number of properties
Revenue growth features
Channel manager
Guest payment links
Guest payment plans
Direct booking website
Upsells [coming soon]
Operational features
Cleaning scheduler
Guest identity verification
eSignature rental agreement
Security deposits
Client management
Client (owner) portal
Client statements [coming soon]
Guest communication features
Unified inbox
Automated guest messages
Enquiry auto-responder
Automated reviews
Live chat support
Dedicated account manager
$600/yr paid up front.
includes 4 properties
Minimum number of properties
Maximum number of properties
Operational features*
Channel manager
Guest payment links
Guest payment plans
Direct booking website
Direct booking website
Operational features*
Cleaning scheduler
Guest identity verification
Available add-on
eSignature rental agreement
Security deposits
Guest communication features*
Owner portal
Owner portal
Guest communication features*
Unified inbox
Automated guest messages
Enquiry auto-responder
Automated reviews
Response within 48 hours
Dedicated account manager
$20/m per property
Min number of properties
Max number of properties
No max
Operational features*
Channel manager
Guest payment links
Guest payment plans
Direct booking website
Direct booking website
Operational features*
Cleaning scheduler
Guest identity verification
Available add-on
eSignature rental agreement
Security deposits
Guest communication features*
Owner portal
Available add-on
Owner portal
Available add-on
Guest communication features*
Unified inbox
Automated guest messages
Enquiry auto-responder
Automated reviews
0% Commission on bookings
Custom price
based on your needs
Ready to scale
Min number of properties
Max number of properties
No max
Operational features*
Channel manager
Guest payment links
Guest payment plans
Direct booking website
Direct booking website
Operational features*
Cleaning scheduler
Guest identity verification
Available add-on
eSignature rental agreement
Security deposits
Guest communication features*
Owner portal
Available add-on
Owner portal
Available add-on
Guest communication features*
Unified inbox
Automated guest messages
Enquiry auto-responder
Automated reviews
0% Commission on bookings
Automatically collect a security deposit from your Booking.com, Vrbo (HomeAway) and direct booking guests.
Client management portal
$5/m per property
Grant your clients access to their listings on Uplisting. They can see basic information and mark dates unavailable.
Set management fees/business models for each property to automaticaly calculate your fees for each booking.
Client statements
Coming soon
Uplisting creates a monthly statement for each property, automatically! Add expenses directly to the statement during the month.
Interested in growing your property management business? Let Uplisting's team of acquisition experts find your future clients. All you need to do is sign them up.
Direct booking paid ads.
Talk to sales
Interested in growing your direct booking share? Let Uplisting's team of acquisition experts drive traffic to your direct booking website.
Yes! You don't even need to add your credit card. Just sign up for a free trial. Your free trial includes all Uplisting’s features. You don’t need to let us know if you want to cancel, and you can upgrade at any time.
Of course! You can sign up monthly and cancel anytime before your next billing cycle. We offer discounts for longer term contracts longer term contracts are not required to use Uplisting.
We understand that reliability is a huge issue with other solutions on the market. We hear it from new members nearly every day.
Uplisting has been built from the ground up with reliability at its core. Our cloud-based software is accessible from any computer or mobile device.
Our base subscription and all feature add-ons except for the guest identity add-on are charged per property per month. If you add a property in the middle of a billing cycle, that property will be charged on the next billing period based on the time it has been used.
If you remove a property mid-billing cycle the unused time is credited from your next billing cycle. Your bill will be lower.